For Single Course, 12-week PLAs
Center for the Assessment of Learning Thomas Edison State University 111 W. State St. Trenton, NJ 08608
Check one: I am currently enrolled in Thomas Edison State University. I am not currently enrolled in Thomas Edison State University. Current institution: Please select the semester you plan to take your PLA:* Select one July August September October November December January February March April May June
Have you completed English Composition I and II (ENC-101 and ENC-102)?** No Yes ** Students are strongly advised to complete English Composition I and II before registering for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). PLA may not be done for physical education courses, field experience, student teaching, cooperative study, practicums, English Composition I and II, current independent study, internships, seminars, lab courses or other courses whose subject matter may be inconsistent with demonstrating prior learning through a narrative-centered e-portfolio process.
This proposal form is to be submitted at least two weeks prior to the close of the registration period for the semester requested.
ALL STUDENTS MUST READ AND ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOLLOWING*: I acknowledge that the information I submit to Thomas Edison State University on this form and in my PLA courses is true and correct. I understand that willful failure to give accurate information is considered adequate grounds for dismissal from the University and for revocation of credits granted.
Thomas Edison State University is committed to providing reasonable accommodation for verified disability. If you would like information on reasonable accommodation for disability, please contact the ADA coordinator at (609) 984-1141, ext. 3415 (voice), (609) 341-3109 (TTY).
I. If the portfolio you plan to complete as a PLA portfolio appears in the Thomas Edison State University PLA Course Description Database, please provide the following information:
II. If the portfolio you plan to complete as a PLA portfolio does not appear in the Thomas Edison State University PLA Course Description Database, you may select a course description from another regionally accredited college. The description from that Colleges catalog should be no more than two years old.
III. Briefly describe the experience you will bring to your PLA portfolio. This will be reviewed for approval. Before completing this form, make sure to read and carefully consider the PLA Self Assessment Guide. This information is designed to help you determine, before your register, whether your prior learning is appropriate for this method of earning credit.*
* Required Field